Sunday, September 14, 2008

Carmel Apples

(shown above: snickers apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, and recipie from Wendi)

Here's the recipe for the carmel. After coating the apple, you can dip in chocolate, nuts, chopped snickers, crushed oreos....the possibilities are endless!
2 cups brown sugar, packed
1 cup karo syrup
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 stick of butter (equals 1/2 cup butter--margarine is not as good in this recipe)
Mix all together in a big pot. Keep it on medium to high heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly so it doesn't burn. Cook it to a soft ball stage. Ross carmel in a ball and set it on the counter. If it stays together then it is done. If it starts to fall out of a ball its not there yet
This recipe is also good for popcorn!

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